Murder One 1988

Biography Crime Drama

Fresly escaped from prison, Isaac is picked up by his brothers, and the entire brood embarks on a crime spree that claims the lives of six people.

Tous les titres
  • US: Murder One Murder One
  • BR: Assassinato em Primeiro Grau Assassinato em Primeiro Grau
  • CA: Meurtre au premier degré Meurtre au premier degré
  • FI: Kesytön veri Kesytön veri
  • GR: Fonos protou vathmou Fonos protou vathmou
  • IT: Furia omicida Furia omicida
  • PT: Crime por Crime Crime por Crime
  • RU: Убийство первой степени Убийство первой степени
  • RS: Ubistvo prvog stepena Ubistvo prvog stepena
  • ES: Assassinat en primer grau Assassinat en primer grau
Date de sortie 23 Sep 1988
Lien IMDb
